Fall Writing Prompts with Crafts or Coloring Pages

13 Writing Prompts for Fall with Crafts

You need this new writing activity for making writing fun! I’m amazed to see my most reluctant writers jump into action with these writing activities!!

2 options are provided for each prompt to make the journal page work for each of your days and ability levels.

1. Writing Page – Cut and Glue craft in the box or students can draw their own picture.

2. Page with coloring instead of craft for days when you need a quicker activity.

I love these for a simple journal entry each day/week of the month.

This can be:

-A simple free write

-You can prompt by saying:

Write a story about…

Write about what you see.

Write what you know about…

-Draw and write

-They can also pair well with a story you read or informational text about the topic. (Also, great for incorporating science!)

Reader response or comprehension

Write your own version of the story

Show what your learned

Story Retell

For students who are just learning to write, you can write for them what they tried to write or want to write. This helps them see their thoughts in writing.

Prompts in this set include: Bat, Pumpkin, Jack-o-lantern, Monster, Spider, Scarecrow, Witch, Fall Tree, Turkey, Farm Animals, Pie

Grab this set today to get your kids loving writing! Watch for more seasons coming soon!!

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